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[FULL] peach blossom cologne company short audit case 4e solution How to Download and Use


There are a few things about this thread that I plainly and simply not getting. Christians, non-Christians and anti-Christians are going on about how PS did not live up to "his standards" or "what he was telling others." I have news for you. "His" standards are completely irrelevant, so are yours, and so are mine. All that matters are God's standards. PS faithfully expounded them. He also, in some way, shape, or form, fell short. This should come as a surprise only to those folks who make up their own standards as they go and then criticize those who proclaim, like PS, the full scope of God's standards. Those of us who have even a passing acquaintance with God's standards will be humbled into silence as we realize that we fall short in our own ways, day in and day out. Judgmentalness, gossip, delighting in evil (ours or that of others), focusing on "leaders" instead of testing their message before God's Word and forgetting about the human messenger--these are but a few examples of sins equally damnable as anything that PS could have possibly done.What's with all the speculations of what a "moral failure" is in his case? How is that any of our business? How dare we post lists of questions that he'd better answer, or else he has failed us! Take your own inventory! That's enough to keep any one of us plenty busy, Christians, non-Christians and anti-Christians. PS owes his answers to God and the close ones he has wronged. The rest of us should mind our own business and get on with becoming the people we love to pretend to already be.PS lived up to some incredible standards: He came out and told on himself--at a price that few of us would be willing to pay! He admitted to wrongs and missing the mark just like the rest of us do--constantly (even by writing dome of our posts here). He imposed the consequences on himself. No lies, cover ups, or bargaining to retain his position, reputation, livelihood, or even the right to continue to do great things in the lives of many. How many self-righteous looky-loos and commentators--Christian, non-Christian, and anti-Christian--can say that for themselves!As to the rest of us: it's about the message not the messenger. We can take it to the bank that the latter will be flawed (unless we live by our own comfortable standards for ourselves and set the standards for others while we're at it). There's no call for us to grant absolution or, worse yet, tell others that they should feel ashamed--because we said so. PS has done more good in more lives than the whole lot of us on this thread ever will between us. All this good is a gift from God, wrought through a man who's obedient enough to carry the message. Do something greater; until then, hold your tongue.My respect goes out to those who (unlike myself) did not rise to the bait, and simply stuck to the one and only thing that really needs to be said: prayers and well-wishes to the Sheppard family and those hurting and puzzled by the traps that our human (sinful) nature springs for us from time to time. We don't need to know any details, other than: God is still on the Throne.

[FULL] peach blossom cologne company short audit case 4e solution



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